Embark on a thrilling journey with young Jesse Walker, who, armed with his cherished walking stick, is unexpectedly transported through time from a mundane cave on his property to the sacred mound of Nanih Waiya—the fabled birthplace of the Choctaw people. In this ancient realm, Jesse is captured by Choctaw scouts from the Okla Hannali district and begins a transformative journey under the guidance of his new Choctaw mentors. As Jesse earns his place among the tribe with the help of the esteemed Mingo Pushmataha, he discovers his walking stick may be the legendary sacred staff of old.
Jesse’s adventures are further fueled by the colorful French trader who witnesses his newfound power and his budding romance with Palali, the beautiful daughter of the Chief of Nanih Waiya. But danger looms as the envious warrior Scar plots a sinister scheme to steal the sacred staff and win Palali’s heart. Join Jesse as he faces treacherous challenges, battles against dark forces, and strives to protect his new family and the ancient secrets they guard.
I hope you enjoy reading Red Deer. I added a Discussion post if anyone would like to make a general comment. Or, you can email me, if you wish. My email address is in the back of the book. Just please be courteous, and I will do the same. As the fictional Choctaw elder, Hopoyuksa, said, “We are caretakers of this bounty; we are guardians of nature, respecters of all life. As man and woman, we do not live alone, but in relation to each other. We are tasked to be kind and considerate. We are entrusted to care for nature and one another.”
-Patrick Marshall.